I've Lost A Dear Friend

Wednesday, December 15, 2010 | |

I know this may not be all that interesting for you to read about, but bear with me.

Today is a sad day in the Dennis household. I've lost a dear friend of mine with whom I've shared many memories. We go way back, to approximately 2004, the fall of 2004 to be specific. I remember first courting you, in all of your blue and black rippled goodness. Your pale orange glow, baiting me to grasp your curved body. I remember the day I took the plunge, and decided to take you home, waiting patiently for your arrival at my door.

But you did not arrive alone, for you brought with you friends. Together, we all became acquainted, becoming closer over the years, you my right-hand man. Eventually, over time, as does naturally happen, we slowly, one-by-one gradually lost some of these friends; but you were always at my side. When others have failed, you never faltered, that is until now. But I'm not bitter or angry, you've served me well. I only hope I have been as good to you as you've been to me.

I feel like a human being without opposable thumbs.