Some Drawings

Saturday, January 15, 2011 | |

I feel like I haven't posted any drawings in some time, so I'm going to. I guess these are sketches, since none of them took much time, if you want to get into semantics.

First, is this fellow. I draw faces a lot, because they're the only thing I generally feel confident in. It's odd, because faces are, in my opinion, the most important part. You can get by with some features being off, but the face needs to be kind of perfect. If the face is off, the whole image suffers. It's like photographs: if the viewer doesn't connect with the person in the image, they don't connect with the image. That's why Tyra goes crazy for fierce eyes, and why people always say to smile with your eyes. If your eyes say "I'm happy" the picture does too.

But I draw faces, mainly because they turn out okay. I'm certainly not that great at drawing them by any means, but compared to anything else I draw, I think they are the best that I do. Obviously, that sentence is not the best that I do, because it sounds awful, but I am leaving it, because I like typing in stream of consciousness.


He kind of reminds me of Golem. Or is it Gollum? I think that's it. It's funny because that wasn't my intent. I think I drew the eyes first, and then the head. He has a weird mustache effect going on, which I'm not crazy about, and his lips look off. But that's okay, because he's off. And it was one of my earlier drawings of a face, so I can use inexperience along with ineptitude as an excuse.

His ears are awfully pointy. Normally I don't even draw ears, and you can see why. They aren't the right size, and they are at different heights. I don't know how to draw ears, so I usually leave them out, or try to see how others have done them, which I did not do here, obviously.

His nose is funny. It's acceptable, considering at this point I kind of did noses as an afterthought. By that I mean, I knew they were required, obviously, but my whole not knowing how to draw them thing tended to leave them being drawn quickly and poorly. In this case, it's funny looking, but at least you can tell it's a nose.

He has weird skin. I don't know what most of those lines are; they're not wrinkles.They make him look somewhat wooden. I think this was my was of showing topography early on. I didn't know what else to do or how else to do it, so I think I just drew lines, apparently at random.He looks like the Ultimate Warrior or something.

I like his liver spots on his head. I think that's what they are called, anyway.

This is a drawing of a fictitious beast of the ages. I modeled it off of several other fearsome animals throughout time. Can you guess what they all are?


First, I am horrible with perspective, and my landscapes suffer horribly from it. In this case, there is nothing in the background except for a tiny volcano shaped like a cupcake liner.

Second, I like the shadow underneath him. I'm really happy with it, then and now. It looks good, I am pleased.

Third, I can't really draw animals, so they are always in this same stance. It's the way I've drawn dogs for as long as I can remember, and I have not progressed much. Similarly, the way I draw cars has not progressed much either, but I don't have any examples I can share right now.

This is a combination of many creatures. First, you may notice the unicorn horn. He has healing powers from this, but can also use it for self defense. Unicorns never attack, never forget that. He also has a small rhinoceros horn underneath that. This can be used for ramming and attacking despite the fact that it is shorter than the unicorn horn. Don't try and bring up physics or math here, that's just how it works, okay?

he has a trunk, like an elephant for bathing and such (the ladies don't like 'em dirty). He can also use it like a turkey baster to soak up any type of fluid and spray it at his predators, or to get a fine looking ladies attention. He just has to remember that urine and toxins are for the predators and pretty, pleasant smelling liquids are for the ladies.

He has a triceratops-like shield around his head. This is rounded, though. This can collect water to and dissipate heat to keep his head cool in the summer and collect snow in the winter to make him look like a lion.

He has the body of an elephant, with some parts of him being covered in scale-like thingamabobs. These are for defense, I guess. Or maybe he just really likes dragons. His back plates are from a Stegosaurus. These have many purposes. First, they dissipate heat pretty well. They can also maybe be used for defense, although scientists are not quite sure about that just yet. They make handy perches for birds to sit on too, when he's not in motion. I think this may keep him cool in the summer because he will be shaded by the birds. Or maybe he just likes the company.

He's also got a spiky tail, like that dinosaur. It resembles an armadillo, but it's huge? I never liked them because they're ugly, but I liked their tails. This is an improved version of that. This can be used for defense or offense, or when courting a female. When competing with other males, he will flail his tail about much like giraffes do to gain favor with the females.

Finally, the last drawing. If memory serves, I drew this around Halloween. I like it. The drawing looks better in person than it does on the screen, though.


This is a scene with much tension in it, yet it contains a certain calmness to it. The man and cat are very calm, like they're on prescription medication (they're not, don't worry). Meanwhile, they are surrounded by all kinds of destruction. There are volcanoes oozing magma everywhere, there's a moon that looks like a comet going across the sky, like a giant ball of fiery hell. The clouds are rather ominous, like one of those bizarre storms that just looks photoshopped. But they are still.

The man is holding a broom, though I use the term "holding" with a grain of salt. You'll notice he is ensconced in a cloak, so he can't actually be holding it. Despite what you may think, that is definitely not a Snuggie.

So let's just say his broom is leaning against him. I like the broom though. It turned out well. The handle part looks pretty well detailed, which is impressive for me. I like his face. He has large, puffy cheeks and the most ridiculous mustache I've ever seen for someone in his situation. I also like his hat. I like drawing hats too, and this is probably the first to have some semblance of detail. I feel like I accomplished that in his hat.

The cat looks kind of pissed off, or constipated. Maybe both. Maybe the cat is pissed off because he's constipated. Then again, cats usually look pissed off. The tail looks like I knew what I was doing. I can see a few planes on it, and it has detail otherwise unheard of in my drawings. He looks silly though, and cartoonish. He is scraggly, but loyal to his master. Perhaps his demeanor is as a result of what he and his master do? Maybe that is why his fur is matted and dirty. What adventures these two must enjoy! Oh, I can just imagine.

Or maybe he just tried licking his balls and realized his master had them cut off when he was a kitten. It could really go either way.