The Return Of Weezer. Well, Sort Of.

Saturday, February 12, 2011 | |

There are a lot of people who are, let's just say, less than enthused with Weezer lately. And by "lately" I mean the last fourteen years or so. You see, to some, Weezer kind of dropped off after Pinkerton. And yes, Pinkerton is a great album, as was the Blue album.

But their other music isn't bad, it's just different.

I do understand why people are disappointed, though. In his teens and twenties, Rivers was writing deep, intellectual and emotional songs. In his forties, he's writing about getting sex; It's kind of ironic, considering one of their earlier songs was "Tired of Sex."

But maybe they are coming back, so to speak. Some of the songs on Death To False Metal (which I believe were old unreleased songs from the Blue/Green era) weren't so bad. And then there's this.

Yes-- it's an ad, which kind of blows. But it is a song, and it is pretty good and retro Weezer-esque.

As far as advertisements go, this is definitely one of the better ones.


Krissy said...

This ad doesn't help your cause in getting me to soften up to post-Pinkerton Weezer.