Adventures In Advertising - The Camera Store

Saturday, August 6, 2011 | |

I read a fair amount of photography blogs (when I'm not reading about politics or the news, natch.) As such, I end up being snookered into watching a lot of videos that are, well, lame. Granted, a lot of them are actually inspiring to watch, and can be quite educational. But more than a few are lame.

This isn't anyone's fault, really. If my camera did video, I'd be contributing to this trend. But you know what? I bet I'd think that my videos were awesome. Others, of course, would think they are lame. The important thing is that people are creating videos that they want to, others be damned. I like this mentality.

This video has all the makings of being lame, but it isn't. Well, to me at least. If you don't like photography, you'd probably hate any photography video, since they are either a) extremely dry; or b) extremely lame. This video I think manages quite well to capture my attention. Though, I couldn't watch it too many times in a row.

As for being an advertisement for a camera store? It's amazing and works really well. Someone who likes cameras will appreciate it. Someone who doesn't know what they want will probably be amused enough to check them out. And I bet they had a blast filming this, so it's win-win-win all the way around.

It really makes you realize though just how similar camera equipment is to various articles of war.

Camera equipment is often put into waterproof, airtight, crush-proof containers. I imagine guns are put into similar containers. Some of them are even shiny and metal making them look extra illicit.

I like that these guys took advantage of the similarities and did so in a fun way.

Besides, my favorite way to make Krissy laugh is to hold down the shutter release; she can't resist the click click click click.