Which Would You Prefer: God Or Science?

Monday, December 27, 2010 | |

We all get sick. Some of us are fortunate and our sickness passes, others are not so fortunate, however. Often, when one is sick, they pray, or others pray for them; obviously this doesn't always work--people die prematurely on a daily basis. Are these people all atheists, surrounded only by other atheists? Would a God, all-knowing, refuse to save otherwise honest, good people simply for this small transgression?

On the one hand, there's God. People pray to God daily. Sometimes he answers, sometimes he doesn't. People always seem to say that when something tragic happens that, "God has a plan." If that is the case, then I would have to assume that praying doesn't do much good, no? If we are determined to live out a certain life, as if actors in God's great play, then why pray? And if praying really does do any honest, actual good, then what about the times when it doesn't work? Is that God picking favorites? Is it God punishing otherwise good people for something else?

Then there is science. Science has reason. Science can be explained. Eventually. Science always at least tries. Very rarely (I hesitate to say never) does science just give up and not try. If someone is sick, a doctor will try to save them. Science will try for a cure. Eventually, Science finds it. Science has, and will continue to, make great strides, but that doesn't change the fact that sometimes, Science isn't there yet.

So I ask you this, which would you prefer:

A God who doesn't always answer
Science, which doesn't always have them