Insanity Day 1: A Review, Of Sorts

Thursday, February 3, 2011 | |

For some crazy reason beyond comprehension, Krissy and I have started Insanity. If you are unfamiliar with Insanity, it's basically an extremely intense workout regimen where you work out for around forty minutes a day six days a week. You do this for ten weeks.

I'm not much of a workout person. I've never been in great shape, but I'm not obese or anything either. Mainly, I've just had pretty rubbish stamina. I can't remember what it took me to run a mile in middle school--far too long I am sure.

I heard from my brother, Mike, that he wanted Insanity. He's been running marathons half-marathons, presumably trying to get in better shape and stay that way. Or maybe he wants to get ripped, who knows.

The First thing I am going to say is that it is intense. Apparently you should already be in shape before starting, but I'm trying it anyway. Also, if you have any kind of joint pain or difficulties, this isn't for you. There is a lot of jumping, squatting, push-up type exercises and other things that really prohibit some people from doing Insanity. I suppose you could skip those, or replace them with something else if you wanted.

I will say one thing about the actual DVD product that bothers me. It has ads. Oh, and it has lots of them. I don't know how you feel, but I'd be kind of annoyed if I spent $130 on this and then got bombarded with ads for buying drinks and other exercise DVDs. The first DVD I watched, Cardio Abs I believe, is approximately twenty-four minutes long. Eight of those minutes is advertisements for other products Beach Body sells--a full one-third of the DVD.

When you start the DVD, it plays the same intro clip of Shaun T growling like a lion and yelling (motivationally, not like Jillian whatshername). This prompted me to say that in the commercials and promos, Shaun T is like Mike, but in the actual DVDs he's more like Chris.

Mike can be gruff, loud, and petulant. But in the DVDs Shaun T is amazingly supportive and quiet. He pushes you, but he does it with a soft, kind voice. And if you need a break? He encourages you to take them as needed. He reminds me of my brother Chris in those instances.

Oddly, in another way the whole thing is like Mike. The promos are loud and energetic, like Mike is on the outside. At face value, they are the same. But pop in the DVD, and get deeper into it, and there is a kindness and support that one might not expect upon first meeting.

Anyway, I am exhausted. Insanity begins with a fit test. This is meant to test you with minute long exercises where you do as many as you can. You track this, and continue tracking it every two weeks. Hopefully, the numbers improve. My numbers were atrocious, so I am confident that mine will absolutely get better. We were also doing it in the basement on a slippery linoleum floor partially covered in corn-based kitty litter too, so I'm sure that didn't help any.

I might recommend a mat (or a carpet if you have one, but mats are softer).

I'm mildly excited but also kind of dreading it. I'm not interested in getting ripped, or muscular, or "six-pack abs." I just would like to get in better shape, increase my stamina and flexibility which has always been horrible. Maybe I'll lose a bit of weight, or gain some if this does build muscle.

Funnily enough, Insanity will end shortly before our wedding, so maybe this will help the both of us look better  for that day, and our trip to Disney. (Thank you again Mike and Chris)


Kaulean said...

Best of luck to you both on your insanity ;)

I've been doing EA Active 2 on my Wii a bit lately and it can really kick my butt sometimes. I don't even want to think about Insanity or PX90!