I Haven't Been Feeling Particularly Creative Lately

Wednesday, February 2, 2011 | |

Creativity doesn't just flow at all times; I have to think that even the masters had their superstitions about painting. Certain times, environments, places, people, so on and so forth must contribute to how people can and cannot create. Some people need extreme organization so they can easily reach and find whatever they need whenever they need it. Others might require a slightly more chaotic environment to endeavor to creative work.

For me, I think temperature is a factor. Really, temperature is always a factor for me, one I cannot ignore but never seems to be just right. The thing is, if temperature is all that mattered for my being able to do anything creative, that would be fine. I can alleviate that. But when it is hot--when I am hot, I cease to function in the way humans were meant to. There is nothing positive about being hot, except for the prospect that the cold will come, eventually.

When I am warmer than I'd like to be, I am just uncomfortable. I'm usually uncomfortable anyway, though, so I can usually deal with it for a bit. But the warmer I get, the more and more I cannot perform the regular, necessary tasks required of me, much less hope to try and create anything interesting.

Mind you, the ambient temperature doesn't matter a lick. Quite honestly I can be outside in the snowy winter with no coat and be hot, and no, it's not hypothermia setting in. Most of the time, I'm hot, and when I'm hot I feel like this on the inside:

There is no escaping this fire that radiates from within me. It basically paralyzes me. How can one be expected to do things when your body feels like it's on fire? At least if I were a phoenix, I'd find comfort in knowing I was about to be reborn. But here? I can find no metaphor describing the intense heat I feel within.

There are so many topics I want to write about, ones I've been meaning to write about. There are even several I've already written about and just haven't posted because I'm so unhappy with how they are written. In fact, I have some written that are no longer relevant.

I had been working on a few drawings to post, but my copy of Corel Painter suffered a conniption that nearly destroyed my computer. Luckily I was able to rectify the problem, and I just have to reinstall Corel's devil suite again to finish up my drawings.

Hopefully, this drawing I did after the one above will suffice for now. It's a dwarf/gnome in a forest. He belongs in a forest, I think. Maybe one day I will draw him in a dwarf village. Also, I left him as black and white as a statement about how polarizing the world has become.

Centuries have passed since people were either black and white, and very little has changed. Sure there are shades of gray. Some of us are of mixed races. Some of us are more white than black. Some of us are completely different colors (though I hope none are green). Politicians are republican or democrat. whig or tory (right?), so on and so forth. Male or female. Democratic or communist/socialist/fascist (because some would have you believe they are interchangeable and/or the same). Religious or athiest, Funny or serious. et cetera.

Or maybe I just left him black and white so he would stand out. Yeah, that sounds more likely. I guess I am no prodigy.