What's On Our Dresser?

Monday, February 21, 2011 | |

Being in a small space that's already filled with someone else's stuff is, no doubt, a pain in the ass. Anytime we want to use something or get something, there is simply no room for it. And being creative people with a lot of time on our hands means that most of the time we are trying to do something. This, as you can imagine, gets very frustrating.

This is a snapshot of really one of the only places we have to store things or put things. Originally, this was covered in porcelain houses and other trinkets.

Here is an overview of what it looks like from further out. It was dark so I had to use the light. And yes, it's always there, stripbox and all. That's how we roll.

On The Dresser

Here is a view a bit closer. The two pictures after this will highlight the awesomeness that is: our dresser. This changes from day to day as we use and move things, but this is more or less how it looks on a regular basis. It's much neater after we clean, since I usually organize the random pain-in-the-ass-to-organize things. The regular boring-as-all-hell cleaning is usually performed (flawlessly I might add) by my Krissy.

On The Dresser

Below some things are highlighted. I'll go into them in a bit of detail afterwards:

On The Dresser

Starting from the left, we have (in no order, really):

A bag of buttons that do not fit in the larger jar of buttons further to the left.
Some books
A scarf Krissy made
A baby that Krissy's grandma crocheted. Here is a better picture. This may or may not be the same, since all I can see is the hair and skin:

Betty's Babies

India Ink

A rather large stack of revolving books (more detail later)

Buttons and knick-knacks

Stamp pad

Wax seal presser thingy

Below is the same picture, with some other stuff highlighted, notably the books.

On The Dresser

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
I Like You
How To Make Books
The Wind In The Willows
The Cute Book
How To Crochet (I'm sure that's not what it's really called)
Sketchbook from The Sketchbook Project. (Total failure. lame)
The Little Prince (English)
The Little Prince (Italian)
The Little Prince (German)
Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone
Stormy Night
The Bread Baker's Apprentice
Photographic Wisdom

There are more books to the left like:

Pipi Longstocking
Kat Kong
Handmade Marketplace
Swiss Family Robinson
Tales From Outer Suburbia
I Am America (And So Can You)
Disappearing Spoon

Next to those are some sweet records. I cannot read them from where I am sitting, but I believe there is some Belle and Sebastian, White Stripes, and Raconteurs, for starters.

Then there is Krissy's record player.

The lantern which sits atop it

And finally, my Alienbees Einstein 640 Strobe, and my stipbox which is connected to it.