I Love My Wacom Tablet

Saturday, January 8, 2011 | |

Every year, I never really know what I want for Christmas. I mean, there are always things I want, but when Christmas rolls around I just sort of forget, I guess. Though, in the past, I think that there wasn't really anything I really wanted. I didn't really have specific hobbies or interests that warranted requesting certain gifts. But this year, there are lots of things I wanted. Narrowing the list down was harder than you'd think, but I settled on the one thing I really wanted: A Wacom tablet.

My First Sketch. All Kinds Of Ugly, But Fun.

There are a lot of reasons I've wanted one. I've said on a fairly regular basis that I've wanted one. Krissy was probably sick of hearing "If only I had a tablet..." I like drawing, even if I'm not very good at it, it's fun. I will also be using it for editing photos, too, since a tablet is way easier to use than a mouse in that regard. Drawing, too, is immensely easier. Drawing with a mouse is like embedding a crayon in  arock and trying to draw with it.

So I've been messing around with my new tablet, and I like it. A lot. I don't know all the ins and outs of it, but I will. Plus, since my mouse died awhile back, I can use the mouse with the tablet for easier browsing and such. Mouse Keys and incessant tab-smashing is hardly an ideal situation for using a computer.

Castle, Mountains, Sketch. Foreground Kinda Blows

I haven't been able to experiment with my tablet as much as I'd like to, either, because The Sketchbook Project book needs to be mailed out by the fifteenth, and let's just say Krissy and I have been slacking. Having to do two sketches per day, makes it harder to sketch on the computer, since I'm not always feeling creative enough to draw. So I feel like I'd be wasting a sketch doing it on the computer instead of in the book. There will be plenty of time for virtual sketching to come I'm sure. I drew a pretty sweet owl today in the sketchbook, which I'm kind of proud of.

This is the tablet that I got. It's expensive, but really nice. Size wise, it's good, it just takes some getting used to. Since I'll be using it as a mixture of photo editing and drawing, I think medium strikes a good balance. It's not too small for drawing, but not too large for photo editing. So far, I'm doing fairly well in maneuvering my hand around it with minimal fuss. Using a tablet is incredibly fun, if you've never done it.

Below are some alternatives if your budget doesn't allow for this large of an expense. The Intuos4 line probably has some unnecessary features if you just want to doodle and do some basic photo touch ups. But if you want the easy maneuverability a tablet offers, and the fun-having a tablet affords (Krissy likes it, too), then I'd suggest the Bamboo line from Wacom. I don't think I'd recommend another brand. I've never heard of another brand, and Wacom has been doing it for ages. I trust them. Thank you for reading.